Wise Decision
We read this press release about the IMCCA appointing InterCall's Bob Wise to its esteemed, distinguished, and insanely talented board of directors (full disclosure: the Conferencing News publisher is also on the IMCCA board). Welcome aboard the board, Bob! For our part, we're glad to have been part of the vetting process and replied "yes!" to an email from the Executive Director of the IMCCA that contributed to this decision. We think Bob's industry experience and his view from his perch at InterCall will be helpful to the IMCCA as it seeks to strengthen and grow the entire conferencing and collaboration market. InterCall is a global force in the conferencing market with a broad offering of conferencing services and a gung-ho sales force. Bob's insight will no doubt be beneficial to the IMCCA.
Note to Bob: Her Majesty, the Queen of Conferencing and IMCCA executive director, otherwise known as Carol Zelkin, is your new boss. Make no mistake about it. Welcome to her kingdom.
October 4, 2007