English Teachers Wanted?
We got a nice call from Wainhouse's Andrew Davis yesterday and it was good to hear from our fellow Red Sox fan. It made us think again of WebDialog's announcement of 30,000 new Unyte users in 30 days (American population: 300,000,000 divided by 30,000 divided by 12 = 833 years to monopolize the US) and of our interest in attending their online event on March 23, moderated by Wainhouse's Andy Nilssen, called "Web Conferencing: Getting Skyped." The web savvy among us arched an eyebrow at the phrase but now know the seminar is not about being found on the web by Asian kids trolling online to find English-speaking Skype subscribers to learn English from them, a web phenomenon Electronic Frontier Foundation co-founder John Perry Barlow writes about. Have no back-to-the-chaulkboard fears, the "seminar will feature a timely interview with Lou Guercia, WebDialogs CEO, who believes value-priced converged conferencing is indeed the next step for not only SME's, Skype's traditional audience, but large enterprises as well." ...Sometimes things get lost in marketing translation.
We're looking forward to it. Learn more and register here.
March 22, 2006