The Spirit of Collaboration
One martini is all right. Two are too many, and three are not enough. --James Thurber
Remember the Seinfeld episode where the narrative ran backwards in time? In that spirit we call attention to SONY-sponsored spirits (we love alliteration here at CN) with a Cocktail Reception for end-users of conferencing at the IMCCA's Collaborative Conferencing Users Group (CCUG) Forum held on Thursday, June 8th at InfoComm in Orlando. Come and get your vendors buzzed and ask for discounts. Before imbibing from 5pm-6pm there's a Round Table Discussion at 3:30pm; End-User Case Studies at 1:45pm; a Lunch and Learn at 12 noon; a Round Table Discussion with Vendors at 11:30am, a presentation called Web Conferencing, Streaming and Digital Signage at 10:15; a Videoconferencing Technology Forum at 8:40am; Welcome and Introductions to CCUG at 8am, and a breakfast sponsored by Polycom at 7:30. Other sponsors of this day's activities include Applied Global Technologies, Arel, CMS, CollabWorx, Compunetix, Polycom, Starbak, Tandberg, VBrick, Videre, WebEx and York Telecom.
Request of SONY: We're partial to Belvedere Vodka. Thanks.
April 18, 2006